Ethereum (ETH)

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Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.

Fidelity Introduces Ethereum-Powered ‘OnChain’ Shares for Treasury Market

Fidelity’s OnChain initiative on Ethereum aims to enhance transparency in tracking U.S.…

Bitcoin Rally to $200K? ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Author Explains What Could Go Wrong

Kiyosaki predicts Bitcoin could reach $200K this year, but warns fear of…

XRP Millions to Mars? Jed McCaleb Risks $1B on Vast Space’s 2026 NASA Bid

Jed McCaleb commits $1B from his $3.2B XRP fortune to Vast Space,…

Ethereum Millionaire Who Made $10M on DOGE Reveals His Next Crypto Bet—XYZVerse’s $11M Presale Explodes

A cryptocurrency investor who turned a modest stake into $10 million with…